Monday, March 14, 2016

I have so much anger inside me its worrying, however my blog is completely unrelated. Enjoy

Honestly, when did we move from sensible and factual journalism towards towards baseless counter narratives against anyone speaking how they feel. To avoid confusion I'm speaking about Shahid Afridi's constant humiliation in Pakistan media, for speaking in favour of the love he receives in India. I myself have tremendous resentments towards him, for basically being the most useless member of our squad 90% of the time. but, I think what he said should first be interpreted by his intention and then we can comment on it. you don't have to be Einstein to know the treatment celebrities receive in India, and the god like association towards them. None of us are any close to his stardom to realise the difference he feels between both nations. Plus, him saying that he gets love in India, doesn't necessarily equate to him having a rift against Pakistan. Think about it, that kind of mentality makes zero sense.

 I'm definitely not trying to defend or promote India as well. In fact, I feel both nations are first to jump to conclusions, especially when it comes to their own people. How many times have we burnt our cricketers photos, only to lift them on our shoulders sometime later. Can we all at least try to analyse the situation at hand before giving a bizarre verdict towards it. situation analysis applies on literally every notion of our life, and is something we need to work quite a bit on.

Let's not all be huge drama queens for one day and see how that works out.
Thank you. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016


I've decided to completely let go of any negativity surrounding my life, or at least hope to do so. If the soul purpose of our adversaries is to let us down and demoralise our efforts, than it only makes sense not to take it upon ourselves. stressing about someones bad intention, is like giving someone credit for not even doing anything. Any positive person would tell you that we first and foremost not hold opinions about anyone. There have been several incidences when i have formed irrational judgements about others, without investigating a credible source for my claim. Now i'm certainly not saying that I did it out of habit, but is a natural occurrence to form judgements, if the other person holds different views in life. I understand that certain ideologies come only with maturity and experience, but alas, it is only natural for human to attain self gratification through someones sorrow. Now i know, that it sounds more tense than it is, and we probably cohabitate more comfortably than I'm portraying, but as I've said before that i speak more about the inner feelings of a person than what it shows from the outside. As cynical as I might sound Gender, Social and probably the most relevant in our times, Status Segregation (Classism) exists more than ever today. I might be the only one, but i genuinely feel, that people have only become more smarter in hiding their biases towards others, to form a pretence of showing equality for all. Bullying has gone from High schools to whole countries bullying other nations and to me it all goes back to other people deciding our fate and we caring too much about it.

In our beautiful country Pakistan for example, people embarrassment towards their social perception around the world, and their lack of effort to do something about it is worrisome. I'd be a millionaire if i could get a dollar for every time a fellow countryman felt embarrassed or at least tried to defend themselves while giving their introduction as a Pakistani to a foreign national. My point is why can't we expect those foreign nationals to be embarrassed of what they did to our country and how there foreign policy is more dangerous than whatever is going in our country. Now maybe i don't make sense, but i would genuinely love it if we show the same concern towards our own people, if we see one of our own and treat them special and not degrade them, because we assume that they are below us. I would love to see the day when we would stop comparing every Pakistani flaw with american strength. If all of us only become the change, even selfishly, we would create a society that is beneficial for all of us. I believe that we all our talented in one way or the other, and the day we can remove this negativity from within and the people that surround us, we will be a happy nation that will flourish in every field of this world. All we need is love, positivity, good energy, happiness and respect to truly make it the world we all deserve. 

P.s I am not anti America, Anti Globalisation or Anti anything, In fact I love every place I have ever visited and all the cultures I have familiarised with. my only argument is that people from all walks of live deserve the same opportunities, free from any hatred, judgement, segregation towards them. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Heal the world.

Reflecting back on my previous work, I realised how much us humans are capable of evolving over time. What we believe is our best is mostly only temporary. Today i see a certain sense of discreet humbleness present wishing myself, one that only comes with experience and maturity. Did I imagine myself to be the person I am today, i don't know! i certainly did however, hope that i can be proud of my achievements. What achievements do i speak about though? i'm Still

  • Partially unemployed (long story)
  • live with my parents (love it)
  • unmarried
  • nearly broke for my fifth consecutive year (spare change?)
  • i did shave my head though because thats pretty much the only entertaining thing I could do with my life right now
Anyway, my point is (pun intended) These are not necessarily the only true parameters of success, and self development. I have come to realise, that our true achievement is to become of use. to be a person, who can help others, support their family and friends, and never judge anyone on their lows, because like our bests, our worsts are also only temporary. it break my heart to say that in my society, only people of stature survive in the clan and these insecurities have destroyed my surroundings. people would generally, speak ill of others than share knowledge, only because sharing information is deemed useless and unimportant. why you ask? because its not your line of work. REMEMBER! you may only talk about ships, if you're a captain, and only speak about newer innovations only if you must, because quite frankly no ones listening. I might be a bit personal here, but i'm genuinely concerned about the mentality thats taking over our youth. why are we under this constant pressure of being demonised by others. All we need is to trust ourself and the GOD that created us, thats it! Life is all about being in a constant battle with yourself, to be the best version of YOU! let no one decide that for you, but you. 

how many times have we been told, that you're not the same, and you've changed? and how many times out of that were people saying it in a positive way? not many I imagine. people who are honest to you and themselves would never demoralise or sabotage your image, wishing your own eyes or amongst others. We were created to be companions not enemies of others, No football team can have 11 attackers, we all need to play our position and be comfortable within our own skin. Lastly, think of the 5 times you were the happiest! now try to relate those with these 5 emotions : Hate, Anger, Selfishness, Greed, Jealousy. Couldn't do it? Didn't think so.

P.S I specifically named by blog NOW and THEN, so we can be satisfied about how far we came!

Monday, February 15, 2016


A relative of mine lost his battle against depression today. All our life we believe that, only diseases like cancer, HIV and TB become causes of slow and painful deaths and treat some very major illnesses, as phases and temporary. Being someone who has experienced depression myself and around me for most of my life, I can assure you that it's nothing short of having a battle against the Unknown, something you can't see but only feel. In this combat, the victorious one is who manages to escape, rather than defeat it's enemy. Unlike cancer however, this can only be overcome collectively rather then the struggle of ones self.

 People going through depression are not attention seekers, selfish, or self involved. In fact, they are always looking for moral support from friends and family. When we stroll someone whose disabled, we don't do them a favour, but are just courteous. In the same way helping your friend or family in their phase of depression, is your moral obligation and nothing which should seem like a task. Because, somewhere we might all be responsible for the negativities surrounding their life, and only we are the ones that can help. We don't always necessarily have to see someone's physical disability to understand the gravity of the situation. It most matters when you can help your loved one see the Unknown and help them escape it.