Monday, February 15, 2016


A relative of mine lost his battle against depression today. All our life we believe that, only diseases like cancer, HIV and TB become causes of slow and painful deaths and treat some very major illnesses, as phases and temporary. Being someone who has experienced depression myself and around me for most of my life, I can assure you that it's nothing short of having a battle against the Unknown, something you can't see but only feel. In this combat, the victorious one is who manages to escape, rather than defeat it's enemy. Unlike cancer however, this can only be overcome collectively rather then the struggle of ones self.

 People going through depression are not attention seekers, selfish, or self involved. In fact, they are always looking for moral support from friends and family. When we stroll someone whose disabled, we don't do them a favour, but are just courteous. In the same way helping your friend or family in their phase of depression, is your moral obligation and nothing which should seem like a task. Because, somewhere we might all be responsible for the negativities surrounding their life, and only we are the ones that can help. We don't always necessarily have to see someone's physical disability to understand the gravity of the situation. It most matters when you can help your loved one see the Unknown and help them escape it.

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